How do Pesticides Move in the Environment?

Once pesticides and their degradates (new compounds formed by the transformation of a pesticide by chemical or biological reactions) reach the atmosphere, streams, or ground water, they move through the hydrologic system with air, water, or particles, depending on the chemical and physical properties of the compounds.

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How do Pesticides Move in the Environment?

Once pesticides and their degradates (new compounds formed by the transformation of a pesticide by chemical or biological reactions) reach the atmosphere, streams, or ground water, they move through the hydrologic system with air, water, or particles, depending on the chemical and physical properties of the compounds.

Wallace Mukoka in General
January 26 · 3 min read
How do Pesticides Move in the Environment?

Effect of herbicides in relation to environment

If a herbicide is not degraded, it may remain in the plant or end up in the soil as a contaminant. Eventually, however, all herbicides that enter a plant, the soil, water, or atmosphere will be degraded by the same chemical and physical reactions that act on biologically derived compounds.

Wallace Mukoka in General
January 08 · 3 min read
Effect of herbicides in relation to environment

Why does soil acidity matter to crop productivity?

Acidity has the following effects on soil: It decreases the availability of plant nutrients, such as phosphorus and molybdenum, and increases the availability of some elements to toxic levels, particularly aluminium and manganese. Essential plant nutrients can also be leached below the rooting zone.

Wallace Mukoka in General
January 06 · 2 min read
Why does soil acidity matter to crop productivity?

How does irrigation and nutrition affect citrus fruits production and quality

Citrus fruit production and quality are influenced by many factors, including climatic conditions and production practices.

Wallace Mukoka in General
January 05 · 3 min read
How does irrigation and nutrition affect citrus fruits production and quality

Heating Up: Africa's Livestock Under Threat from Climate Change

Livestock play an indispensable role in Africa's societal, cultural, and economic tapestry.

Ryan Katayi in General
January 05 · 2 min read
Heating Up: Africa's Livestock Under Threat from Climate Change

Climate Change's Impact on African Women & Youth: Reality

Climate change is not just an environmental issue; it is a complex crisis that significantly affects vulnerable populations, particularly women and young people in Africa.

Ryan Katayi in General
January 04 · 3 min read
Climate Change's Impact on African Women & Youth: Reality

Youth Leading the Charge: Africa’s Young Generation Addressing Climate Change

In Africa, the younger generation is at the forefront of the fight against climate change, driving innovative solutions.

Ryan Katayi in General
January 04 · 3 min read
Youth Leading the Charge: Africa’s Young Generation Addressing Climate Change

Technological Innovations Driving Africa’s Climate Crisis Solutions

As Africa grapples with the challenges posed by climate change, technological advancements are emerging as powerful tools to combat the crisis.

Ryan Katayi in General
January 04 · 3 min read
Technological Innovations Driving Africa’s Climate Crisis Solutions

Green Tech Renaissance: Pioneering Sustainability and Innovation in the Digital Age

In recent years, the tech industry has recognized the urgent need to address environmental concerns and adopt sustainable practices.

Ryan Katayi in General
January 04 · 3 min read
Green Tech Renaissance: Pioneering Sustainability and Innovation in the Digital Age